Saturday 1 February 2014

Margaret River Cafe

For our first breakfast in Margaret River, we weren't really spoilt for choice so the most promising cafe had to be the one called Margaret River Bakery.
Being just across the road from our apartment, we took our time getting changed and walking over there.

 At first glance, Margaret River Bakery looked to me like a place where hippies and surfers hung out. Not too surprising since Margaret River is a Surfers town after all.
Most of the customers looked like they came out of that classic skateboarding movie 'Lords of Dogtown'.
I liked how the cafe went for the mismatched look and whilst it may seem very messy, I found it very homely!


We ordered a chocolate croissant and a Raspberry tart(bun?) to start with and I must say, I was very impressed at how fluffy it was!
The croissant maintained a nice crispy outer layer that cracks off like puff pastry but the inside layers stayed soft, making it easy to cut into quarters  for us to share.


 In terms of the regular breakfast meals of bacon and eggs, it was alrite. Nothing really to shout about but at the same time, nothing bad to say about them.

For once, I decided to try something different and I went for the french toast instead. It consisted of 2 thick slices of raisin bread covered in a thick layer
of egg and panfried. This was drizzled (or should I say drowned) in maple syrup, topped with freshly made cream and grilled peaches. Loved it!

 As it was really hectic, I didn't bother going in and checking to see what sort of beans they used for their coffee but it was again good. Not mind blowing though. 

If you asked if I would come back here again? I'd say yes. Yes I would. :)

Margaret River Cafe
89 Bussell Highway
everyday 7am - 4pm
Website: link / Google Map

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