Saturday 11 January 2014

Three Williams, Redfern

The last few months have been fairly hectic with overseas travels combined with the silly season and new year. Now that it's all over, I guess it's time to start looking up on whats new in Sydney, and having brunches at them all if possible!

First off the rank was Three Williams in Redfern. I emailed Hubes about it and asked if he was keen for a Saturday morning cuppa. He had a trip to Nowra so..... I selfishly decided to go ahead first. :P

I drive by this street fairly regularly and have never noticed it before in the past. The only way giveaway would be the crowd of people on this somewhat quiet street. Luck was on my side as I found a parking spot right in front of the shop. The crowds hasn't built up yet so I got a seat immediately. Score!

Three Williams sits on the fairly quiet side of Elizabeth Street in Redfern. Stepping through their modest doors, I was greeted by a small set of staircase which leads to a cavernous open area with a small kids area to boot.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The first order of the day was obviously the coffee. Single Origin Roasters is used here and nothing bad could be said about how the coffee was made. 

Looking through what's offered on the menu made it really hard for Wenni and I to choose since we wanted to try them all. we finally settle for 3 things.  The first thing to arrive was the fish croquette. These arrived in cute little egg cartons to help stand them up. These came straight out of the fryer and was piping hot and crispy. At $3 each, I'd say it's worth it for anything wanting a pre-brunch snack. 

Wenni wanted something light so she went for the French Toast. It looked gorgeous when it was served. The crunchy brioche french toast was topped with a dollop of yoghurt and a generous helping of fresh blueberries and raspberries was scattered all over. To finish it off, it was drizzled with lines of Maple syrup and crushed roasted pecans on the side. Delicious. Wenni and I make fruit smoothies every morning and I must say the berries that was served was as good as it gets! You can tell that alot of care goes into the produce that they choose to serve their customers. 

Next up was my Prawn Narnie. I'm not sure why it's called a narnie but I'll be sure to ask the manager next week. Basically, it's a homemade Naan bread sandwich. Now I don't do it justice by describing it like that but I have to say, the prawns were nice, large, very fresh and grilled to perfection. It sits on top of a bed of mashed avocadoes, sweet corn, tomato salsa and Aioli. A MUST try when you're there!   

After all that, we still had a bit of space left so Wenni ordered herself a Peanut Caramel Milkshake (if you like peanut butter, you'll love this) and I got myself a Banana, medjool date, walnut praline smoothie. An interesting mixture but it definitely blended well with each other.

Whilst the place was constantly busy with not a table vacant, it was refreshing to see that the staff were still able to serve everyone with a smile. The manager, Glen Bowditch certainly leads by example by constantly checking of the tables and refilling glasses of water whenever he could. It's small gestures like these that really wins regulars.  After paying compliments to the staff and kitchen,we fist bumped and I bade him farewell.

Three Williams is definitely a place I'd visit again. 

Three Williams 
613a Elizabeth Street, Redfern, Sydney
Opening hours : Monday to Sunday 7am - 4pm
Location : Google Maps

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